We all like to think that if we avoid the big sins—like murder or adultery—we're in the clear. But the real battle is happening inside our hearts long before we ever take action.
WATCH NOWThe Bible carries the most incredible message in the world. It has the power to transform our thoughts and, ultimately, our lives. We love to quote its verses to encourage ourselves and others in difficult times and when giving advice or counseling––but sometimes, those verses get taken out of context. What happens when we miss the original intent and meaning of the most powerful message in the world? Can it hurt, and does it matter?
It's important to try not to make the Bible say something it didn't say. In this message series, Pastor Lance will cover some of our favorite and most misused verses. We'll learn the context of the verses and what they really mean. We hope this message series, The Bible Didn't Say That, strengthens and encourages your faith.
Maybe it's that person who won't stop pushing your buttons. Or the situation that has you ready to snap because it feels so unfair.
It's easy to let anger or frustration get the best of us, but what if there's a better way? What if, instead of allowing the wrongs against us pull us down, we could rise above them—literally change the game?
In this message, Pastor Lance talks about what Jesus says concerning handling life's most challenging moments, not with a clenched fist but with a heart full of something stronger. It could change how you see your world and how the world sees you.
The LIFT provides an opportunity to have the opportunity to have a life-changing experience every weekend through authentic worship, a practical message, and an opportunity to respond to God. So whether you’ve just begun your faith journey or you’re a committed follower of Jesus who’s ready to take your next step, there’s a place for you.